
Quite often I get asked to extend a website’s design and layouts into areas where the original developers had only made available a simple HTML text area. For some template driven websites … this can make the pages rather repetitive and boring.

The alternative can be to request the original developer to create new templates or build out new structures – which can be an expensive route.

The edit panel you use within your CMS (Content Management System) may only look as if it will accept copy and pasted text – but on many occasions you can also add into this same panel – coloured background boxes, alternate styled text and even introduce split columns with responsive images and video embeds.

Most CMS editing panels will accept HTML tags … and if your’s does … then you can also drop in some inline CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to improve and manipulate your website pages.

The trick is to use borrow from what is available in the site already and make it work for you – the way you want it to.

Email HWB Design to discuss:
How we can help improve your online pages – even if you are using a template website.
