
After several months of planning, I am delighted to be getting my teeth into the new website.

It took me a while to settle on a theme – and it is surprising the difference between a theme’s demo and the reality of a site with real content in place. This was one of several themes that I have trialled – and I believe it ticks a lot of the boxes I have been looking for.

Others failed on small – but significant areas:

  • the sliders looked great – but were too unmanageable (I like things simple, intuitive and easy to update)
  • the menu/navigation options were either limited or over fussy (I wanted something in between)
  • too much customisation was needed (what they wanted I didn’t  – and what I wanted – they didn’t do)
  • too many plugins were needed to fill the feature-needed gaps

Although this theme was close  … it didn’t quite get the ‘cigar’. Yup a few things which did need some coding ‘assistance’.

If, like me, you think your site needs a ‘lift’ – please give me a call and we can discuss what would be involved.
